Ingredients, Food & Personal Care

Products that support needs in Food and Beverage industry as well as Personal Care and Cosmetics to create innovation, by utilizing ingredients and flavoring to satisfy market demand with professional team and product development laboratory and with realizing of food safety as well as personal care product safety.

grape seed oil

Food Ingredients

Ingredients for food innovations covering from general to specialty materials that will facilitate innovative product development to meet market demand, in addition, providing professional service to understand customer’s need and to accomplish the results. The products are such as:

-Cereal, seeds, and super food ex. Chia Seed, Flaxseed, Quinoa etc.
-Healthy oil products ex. Flaxseed oil etc.
-Fruit and vegetable concentrate, puree, and powder
-Health Ingredients ex. Collagen, Vitamins etc.
-Tea and herb extracts ex. Monk Fruit extract, Ginseng extract etc.
-Sweeteners ex. Stevia and other natural extracts etc.

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Personal Care Ingredients

Ingredients for Personal Care and Cosmetics that are useful for innovative product creation with close collaboration with customer to understand needs and to develop innovation products that effectively satisfy market’s need. The products are such as:
-Texturizing ex. Emulsifiers, Glycerin, Silicone etc.
-Colorings ex. Pigment colors, and natural colorings
– Active Ingredients ex. Natural skin and hair nourishing extracts

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